Corporate Compliance
Fracht AG is an owner-operated family business, which is currently managed by the second generation of the family. Fracht AG's corporate identity is characterised by innovation, quality, performance and enthusiasm. The company has adopted a position that tallies with this identity as an efficient, innovative quality provider, with which it is a pleasure to work.

End-to-end Company Management
The company sees itself as an organism. The company's end-to-end management philosophy addresses the following aspects equally:

Compliance with Statutory Requirements
The primary aim is to provide our products/services in accordance with the required standards and rules as well as national and international regulations.

Focussing on Customers
Our customers are of paramount importance. We listen attentively to our customers, which allows us to meet their needs and expectations with individually tailored solutions, which fully satisfy their requirements (budget, delivery times, time frames and products/services). The aim of long-term customer satisfaction can only be achieved by offering products and services, which completely meet the actual needs of our customers.

Focussing on Employees
Our personnel are our greatest strength. Their sense of responsibility is continuously supported and nurtured within our system. One of our key tasks is to further develop our employees' skills and know-how.
We aim to facilitate this by continually improving the working environment and providing regular training. It is the remit of management to achieve quality targets. Setting a personal example, open communication and involving personnel in the decision-making process, should foster employees' individual responsibility and quality awareness.
It is one of the company's goals to systematically strengthen its position as a good employer.

Focussing on Results
The company is guided by its corporate values. In terms of end-to-end company management, focussing on results is also at the forefront. Our well-designed management information system allows for continuous comparison of target planning with actual results.

Developing Networks
As a global partner for its customers, Fracht AG is able to rely on a worldwide sales and production network. We work with agents and partners within the framework of innovation management.

Involving Suppliers
Fracht AG seeks to establish long-term partnerships with its suppliers for the mutual benefit of both parties. This enables customers' requirements to be met to a large extent. The common goal is the pursuit of leadership in terms innovation, quality and performance.

Quality Policy / Environmental Protection Policy
An integrated management system:
The company is clearly committed to a quality, environmental, occupational health and safety as well as security culture and acts as a role model in these areas.

The company and its personnel undertake to resolutely comply with all the relevant legal requirements and regulations. Fracht AG's integrated management system is designed in such a way that the company's qualitative level is not only secured, but continually developed by using the management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001/14001.

In day to day operations, the "Zero Errors Requirement" is met by means of preventive error elimination, systematic product and process development as well as the accompanying quality assurance.

Since the quality of our work is one of the cornerstones of our business, we would also like to tell you about our quality policy, which is expressed in the form of measurable targets.

As a measurable variable, customer satisfaction is central. Our aim is to at least satisfy customer expectations or even, wherever possible, to exceed them. Satisfied customers will continue to entrust us with their consignments in the future. We therefore need to do everything possible to convince customers with the quality of our work.

Fracht AG is committed to environmental protection and is characterised by sustainable company management. With ISO 14001 environmental certification, Fracht AG is ensuring its development as an actively environmentally conscious company and is taking the lead on a high level.
This also includes encouraging all employees to play an active part in environmental protection and proving itself environmentally friendly.
When it comes to its business partners too, Fracht AG permanently stands up for the environment, as practised environmental protection is seen as the basis for social development and the key to securing everyone's future.
Suppliers are encouraged to aim for certification and to pursue environmental objectives.

Permanent and continuous improvement processes enable us to determine measures, which will improve the quality of our products, services and environmental protection, the implementation of which has the highest priority. All organisational, commercial and technical processes are constantly reviewed with the aim of preventing errors and increasing efficiency. In order to also satisfy the growing needs of the market in the future and to set ourselves apart from our competitors, we need to continually develop and offer new well-conceived products and services. We have set ourselves quantified quality targets, in order to safeguard this continuous improvement process.

Our quality and environmental policy forms the subject of both internal and external communication. We are committed to open dialogue with all interested parties (e.g. customers, suppliers, authorities, neighbours, associations/federations and also the public). Our customers are informed of the environmental relevance of our services as well as our environmentally friendly approach to operations. We do this at irregular intervals both verbally and in writing, by also providing information on these subjects in our customer newsletter as well as using the company intranet and the internet as communication tools.

Policy for occupational health and safety management (OHS)
The efficiency of employees and management depends on the available working conditions. With a safe and healthy work environment we ensure our efficiency and, as a consequence, the long-term survival of our company.
That is why we are committed to continuously improve our OHS-management system. Therefore, the necessary financial and personal resources will be determined, weighed up and made available if necessary. The work and health protection will be realized, amongst other things, based on the following technical, organizational and personal activities:

  • Identification of OHS-risks and chances for the OHS-management system
  • Systematic recording and assessment of danger in order to eliminate danger to a safe workplace design and workplace optimization as well as emergency preparedness
  • Orientation on current state of technology
  • Continuous improvement of the OHS-management system
  • Deployment evaluation and, if necessary, substitution of hazardous substances
  • Analysis of operational causes of accidents at work and downtime to identify and remove the root cause. We follow a strategy of zero-accident
  • Regular trainings and consultations provided by the safety officers

Our employees are asked to inform us of the disregard of occupational health and safety regulations, if requested on anonymous basis. We look forward getting proposals for accident or damage prevention in order to improve health care and occupational safety.
All employees have the duty to adhere to the legal requirements and the requirements of work and health protection, to protect their own health and-/or the health of third parties as e.g. our visitors or engaged inhouse subcontractors.

Our decision-making processes are embossed through an active consultation and participation of all employees, to achieve the goals for occupational health and measures to monitor target achieving and completion. Based on regular information, instructions and trainings we sensitize our employees and strengthen their awareness towards a safe and health preserving work in all areas of the company.
The OHS-policy is checked annually as part of the management review. If there is a need for adjustment or change, is this initiated by the management board. The revised policy will then be announced to employees and interested parties.
Our quality and environmental policy applies to all our branches worldwide, with us viewing our offices in Basel, Zürich and Geneva as the system boundary for our current certification efforts, which means that the standards are compulsory for these branches. We ask our other branches to align themselves with our efforts and objectives achieved, i.e. to also develop a comprehensive environmental system and, if possible, to obtain certification on the basis of their own processes.
Our quality and environmental policy is scrutinised once a year as part of our management review. Should a need for adaptation or change emerge from this scrutiny, this is instigated by management. The revised quality and environmental policy is then shared with personnel and interested parties.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Health is viewed by Fracht AG as a great asset that is worth protecting.
Health and well-being form the basis for employees' commitment and performance. This is why questions of occupational health and safety are taken very seriously.

Personnel are offered health protection information. Fracht AG is extremely vigilant when it comes to ergonomic, healthy and safe workplaces.
This responsible way of thinking and acting within Fracht AG forms an integral part of its social responsibility.
In line with these strategic targets, Fracht Italia is committed every day to protect the health of workers and the safety of the workplace.

The Company carries out a census of the risks connected with the performance of business activities, preparing the assessment documents required by law, under the supervision of a duly appointed and trained Head of Protection and Prevention.

Furthermore, the training courses of employees are extended to the subject of the liability of the entity pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and to the principles contained in the Code of Ethics adopted by the Company.

According to the objectives, Fracht Italia constantly works for the protection of employees and the safety of the working environment.

Security Policy
Fracht AG has a consistent security concept in place along the entire value-added chain. This includes data protection, IT security, protecting know-how, protecting all customer and supplier data, controlling access rights, access authorisations, rights and powers of representation, preventive fire and catastrophe protection as well as risk management.

Fracht AG's management applies these guidelines in a binding manner to all personnel and certified sites.

Consistent with this address, Fracht Italia has adopted all the necessary safeguards to effectively protect personal data also as Data Controller, having, among other things, prepared a register of processing in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016.

Furthermore, it applies a company policy for the processing and storage of personal data together with the specific procedures that regulate the management of any data breach, cooperation with the authorities and the response to possible requests for the exercise of rights from the interested parties.

Fracht Italia has a Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

The Supervisory Body is responsible to guarantee that the particular organizational rules that the Company has adopted to prevent the crimes identified by Legislative Decree 231/2001 are respected and effective.

Otherwise, the Supervisory Body exercises some powers of investigation and reporting to the so-called of the symptomatic facts of the commission of violations of Model 231. In addition, the Body periodically carries out an assessment on the suitability of the Model.

Anyone - be it a collaborator, customer, supplier, etc. - has news of facts that could potentially lead to a violation of Model 231 can make a report to the Supervisory Body by contacting him via e-mail at

It should be noted that the Body will guarantee absolute confidentiality on the identity of the reporting subject, as required by law.

Via Domenico Fiasella 7/5
16121 Genoa (GE)

+39 010 0994040
Via Giovanni Verga 22
20045 Lainate (MI)

+39 02 9319531
Via Giovanni Pascoli 4/F
37010 Affi (VR)

+39 045 6269051
@ 2023 Fracht Italia S.r.l. - Via Giovanni Verga, 22, 20045 Lainate MI - Capitale sociale €1.000.000,00 - P.IVA IT05504620963 -  Privacy  - All Rights Reserved.